Our shruti box is made of 5 independent tracks. We call them voices.

Create your own tuning

On the shruti box page, if you tap or click

manual tuning you’ll get the manual tuning options for all the shruti voices:

Shruti box fine tuning

For experts, you may change the pitch in cents of the voice’s note with string pitch in cents

This is useful if you want to go out of the path of the provided 22 shrutis reference scale (or 12 tone reference scale).

Note: The pitch tuning of a string is only available if you activate

Manage application options settings then Advanced options settings_suggest then Show fine tuning

When this option is activated, you also get an option to change the octave of the shruti globally with the shruti octave button

Show the voice’s frequency

It you need to know the frequency in Hz of the shruti voices, you have to activate

Manage application options settings then Advanced options settings_suggest then Show shruti & tone frequencies

then you’ll get for each voice a precise frequency box:

the frequency box