iTabla Pandit Studio Pro is available for mobile phones, tablets, and computers.

It is compatible with iPhone & iPad, Android, MacOS.

It is free to download and you may obtain a ten days trial period with all functionalities (once only). After that grace period, it will work in demo mode, and you may subscribe for one year for a price of around 10 € or $12 US (the exact prices are available on the application stores).

We want to keep the price low, but also, we need regular income to continue to work on the software, improve it, add new functionalities and add new wonderful sound samples. That’s why we chose a subscription model.

iPhone & iPad

The application requires iOS 12, and is fully compatible with the latest 17+ iOS on iPhone and iPad.

As for iOS 12, it can run on iPhone 6 and of course, in the newest iPhone!

Get iTabla Pandit Studio Pro on Apple iOS AppStore

Android phone & tablet

The application requires at least Android 9, and it is fully compatible with the latest Android 13 and Android 14.

Get iTabla Pandit Studio Pro on Google Play

Mac computer

The application requires MacOS 10.14 and newer, and is fully compatible with Mac Intel and the latest Mac M2.

Get iTabla Pandit Studio Pro on Apple iOS AppStore

I have another device

Sorry, but it’s not yet available!


In order to keep the subscription system simple and the prices low, no purchase or subscription transfer is possible between accounts or platforms.

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