Receive a user tuning from someone

From the studio, tap or click Quick Scan or Share tunings with QR code then scan a tuning QR code

Scan a tuning code with your camera

You can scan a tuning QR code with your phone’s camera, from a printed QR code, or even from the phone screen of a musician nearby you.

Aim the camera scanner in order to center the QR code within the green bounds: quick share.Scan with your camera

After successful scan, the studio will propose you to import the user tuning, see below…

Scan a tuning code you received

If you someone shared a tuning QR code, and you received it from (Whatsapp, Skype, SMS, Message, …):

  • save it to your photos
  • then tap or click Select and scan a picture

Now, you can select the QR code picture from your photos: select the QR code picture from your photos After successful scan, the studio will propose you to import the user tuning, see below…

Import scanned user tuning

After successful scan, the studio proposes you to import the tuning in your saved tunings:

Import a tuning

If you press Import and Apply, it will be immediately applied, and stored in the list of your saved user tunings.

Important: The imported tunings are marked with 📥 symbol in their name.

See 👆 Create, save and share your studio tunings

Share a user tuning to someone

See 👆 Quick share tuning & import