How to share a user tuning to someone?

Sharing with QR code

iTabla Pandit Studio Pro is using visual codes called QR code to exchange data between its users. This is a QR code: ios share Sharing this code is as simple as exchanging a picture. iTabla Pandit Studio Pro can send codes, and it can scan received codes.

Quick share your currently playing tuning

From the studio, use the button Quick Scan or Share tunings with QR code to open the quick share page.

The Quick Share page shows your current tuning in a QR code: all instruments states, playing state, … It doesn’t need to be saved. It enables you to share with someone nearby you: she/he just has to scan the QR code displayed on your device’s screen.

Then his iTabla Pandit Studio Pro will reflect the exact same tuning as yours. It’s a quick and simple way to share.

You can also send the code to one of your contacts (Whatsapp, Skype, SMS, Message, …) with the icon ios_share

Receive a user tuning from someone

Click or tap on the button scan a tuning QR code.

See 👆 Scan and import a user tuning