The list of rāgas is in alphabetical order by default. You may use two filters and a search to ease your quest for a rāga:

  • Sort by most recently used: everytime you select a rāga, it becomes the most recently used and goes to the top of the list.
  • Filter by preferred rāgas: you may set a favorite marker for each rāga. If you select the favorite filter, only preferred rāgas will be displayed.

Search rāgas by name

With the search field

search field you may search for a rāga by name. Just write a few letters and all rāgas matching this text in their name or alias will be listed.

The same search field can search rāgas by swaras, see below.

Search rāgas by swaras

Within the same search field

search field we provide special filters to search rāgas with certain swaras.

You can enter a filter in the form keyword:swaras.

The notation to use for the swara names is explained in 👆 Indian 22 shrutis system, in the chapter Sargams of shrutis. In brief, in ascending order: SrRgGMmPdDnN. You can also specify the shruti like r1, R2, D2, n2.

Below are the possible keywords:

  • Keyword only:

    Meaning: Only the given swaras are accepted
    Example: only:SRGPD will find Bhupali and Deskhar

  • Keyword none:

    Meaning: All swaras except the given swaras
    Example: none:P will find Abhogi, Chandrakauns, …

  • Keyword all:

    Meaning: All the given swaras must be present. It’s the opposite of none:
    Example: all:rgdn will find Bhairavi, Bilaskani Todi, …
    Example: all:r2 will find all rāgas using r2, whatever their flavour is.

  • Keyword vadi:

    Meaning: The vadi or samvadi swaras are among the given notes
    Example: vadi:r will find Bhairav, Bibhas, …