We describe here the organisation on screen of the user interface of iTabla Pandit Studio Pro, to help you navigating in the application.

The main page

The main page consists of three parts:

  • A header, with three lines of buttons, which are used for the main musical parameters
  • A body, the central part, which contains a page viewer, showing the main page, enabling you to handle each instrument (one line per instrument)
  • A footer line, which contains a mute/unmute button, a volume slider, the audio output selection, and the button to buy and manage your subscription to the software

You’ll find helps button in many places in the application, showing the appropriate help for the content being displayed.

Description of the header

The header is always visible, except when you open a page like options, quick sharing, tunings management, … From top left, the header consists of a first line:

  • Help button which opens the main help page
  • Application title button, which opens the about page
  • Option button, to configure the studio: scale, your nickname, visibility of extra instruments, …

The second line contains:

  • A quick sharing button, to display a QR code of your application current tuning. Just scan it with another phone and iTabla Pandit Studio Pro on this second phone will be configured the same way as yours.
  • The rāga selection and description, for Hindustani scale. In other scales, it’s not needed to use it.
  • A button to manage your saved tunings, to save the current tuning, …

The third and last line is more important, and contains:

  • A button to open a page to select the base musical note for Shaddja Sa (for hindustani and carnatic music), and the A 440 pitch selection
  • A fine tuning button in cents, to adjust easily the pitch, particularly useful for blowing instruments, sensitive to temperature.
  • The tempo selector, for tabla and metronome
  • A button the show the recorder and player in the screen center.

The footer line contains, from left:

  • A mute/unmute button,
  • A volume slider,
  • The audio output selection (it may not be visible iPhone)
  • The button to buy and manage your subscription to the software

Description of the body: the central part

It contains a page viewer slider, for tuning all instruments. When iTabla Pandit Studio Pro starts, it displays the main page, containing a summary line for every instrument:

  • A detail button to open the instrument’s details page
  • An On/Off switch allowing you to start or to stop the instruments and to change its sound volume
  • Two main parameters for that instruments (the tuning, the sound, the taal, …)
  • Another detail button to open the instrument’s details page