The vertical slider allows you to select a parameter value with precision and simplicity.

Four zones are present in the slider:

  • Up arrow, to increase the value by the smallest value increment
  • Down arrow, to decrease the value by the smallest value increment
  • A vertical track. You can click at any place of the track to select the value at this position.
  • A value bubble on the track, indicating the current selected value. You can slide it up or down with your finger.

Example: slider for a fine tuning in cents. octagonal base note button

In this example, the current value is +11.6 cents. A click on up arrow will increment the value by 0.1 cent.

The value is changed in realtime in the instrument, as you select it. This is convenient to do a fine tuning, just by clicking on the arrows or sliding the central bubble, while you’re listening at the result.