Main page: 👆 Manage my rāgas

How to import a flavour and rāgas

Once you copied our Google Sheet template (see 👆 Copy our Google Spreadsheet template), and filled it with your desired flavour and rāgas:

  • From your browser, on your phone or on your computer, open the Google Sheet document (or Microsoft Excel, or OpenOffice, …) containing your flavour and rāgas
  • Select the lines: In this example we selected from 18 to 26. Import screen shot
  • Copy them in the clipboard
  • in iTabla Pandit Studio Pro,
    • Manage application options settings
    • then Manage my rāgas list
    • then Import new rāgas cloud_download
  • Paste the table sheet data in the appropriate box
  • Press Start importing get_app
  • The studio will process your data and display a report, with the successful operations, and the errors. We advise you to correct all errors or warnings, in order to get all your new rāgas.