Main page: 👆 Manage my rāgas

Preliminary steps

  1. 👆 Copy our Google Spreadsheet template

Steps to describe rāga flavour and full rāga

This is simple: 1) Create a flavour. You need to choose a name, and describe it with a small text. For example: Gharana of Sant Nagar.
Make it understandable, because when you’ll share it to the public, it will be easier. Optionally, you can add a small image (icon) to it. 1) For the selected rāga, describe the flavour: mainly it’s the list of shrutis to use for aaroha and avaroha. 2) For a new rāga, describe the flavour as said above. Add all needed meta data for it: name, description, thaat, link, youtube examples, …

How to describe a rāga flavour?

First, you may read 👆 Rāga Flavours in details to fully understand what is a flavour and what are the name of the shrutis.

A rāga flavour is defined by 6 main information: 1) The rāga identifier. This code will define to which rāga of the software your flavour will be added. Don’t worry, we provide the full list. 1) The aaroha (scale while going up) 1) The avaroha (scale while going down) 1) The list of shrutis 1) The vadi swara 1) The samvadi swara

Example with rāga Bhupali, in ascii text, which is the format into which you’ll need to write: | rāga identifier | H22S_Bhupali | |———|—————-| | shrutis | R2 G1 D2 | |———|—————-| | aaroha | S R G P D S’ | |———| ————– | | avaroha | S’ D P G R S | |———| ————– | | vadi | R | |———| ————– | | samvadi | P | |———| ————– |

Even if aaroha and avaroha are already defined by the rāga embedded in iTabla Pandit Studio Pro, it enables you to use different shrutis.

How to describe a full rāga?

If you want to describe yourself a rāga in our software, you’ll need the same information as above, plus:

  • The rāga name, with aliases if several writings are available in latin alphabet
  • Its textual description.
  • A textual expression text, which explains some characteristics.
  • The timing and the thaat,
  • Links and examples.

Everything has to be written in simple text with latin alphabet.