Our tanpura uses real tanpura sound samples to play a wonderful tanpura with up to 6 strings. You can select your preferred tanpura sound among our set of sounds, with the sound selection button

First, we encourage you to read more about the tanpura and its tuning, in the page 👆 The Tanpura and its tuning. You can also read our interesting page for the use of a real tanpura in concert 👆 Don’t forget the Real Tanpura!.

Select a tanpura tuning

We are providing a lot of tanpura tunings, widely used in concerts for most of them, and some other, nice for specific rāgas.

Automatic tuning according to the rāga

When you choose a rāga with the rāga selector button then the most appropriate tanpura tuning will be automatically applied.

You may activate/deactivate this feature in

Manage application options settings then Auto tune tanpura & shruti.

Select a tuning yourself

You can select the tuning you need with the tanpura tuning selection button then you get the list of proposed tunings:

list of proposed tunings For each tuning line, you see the notes used for each string. This way, you know exactly what it played.

The preferable tunings according to the current rāga are highlighted in the list with the symbol ✅. You’re free to select any tuning in the list, even not highlighted.

Create your own tuning

In order to create your own tuning, tap or click the manual tuning button Then 👆 Tune the Tanpura yourself.

Adapt your tanpura style

After selecting a tuning or creating a manual tuning, you can adjust several parameters of the tanpura:

  • The sound with the sound selection button
  • The plucking speed. By configuration, the plucking speed is very regular, earch string every second. You have two easy ways to change the plucking speed of the tanpura:
    1. Select the duration of each string before the next one. You have to tap or click button in order to open 👆 Tune the Tanpura yourself to achieve this.
    2. Change the speed of the plucking tempo with the tanpura speed button
      • If the speed is lower than 1, for example 0.9, you’ll slow down the plucking cycle.
      • If the speed is higher than 1, for example 1.2, you’ll speed up the plucking cycle.
  • The fuzziness of the plucking tempo plucking tempo button

    If you wish to avoid a metronome style tempo of the tampura plucking, use this parameter. It will add a random variation of the plucking, from 0 to a few hundreds of milliseconds, as if a real person would play the tanpura.

  • The plucking of each note plucking style button

    You can choose from normal (as recorded) to very soft. You may change the attenuation duration with plucking style button except for normal.

  • The left/right balance panning button

    It is very useful to spread one or two tanpuras in the stereo output, as on the stage for a concert.

Add you own tanpura sounds to iTabla Pandit Studio Pro

You may read 👆 Import of a sound sample to learn how to add your own sound samples.