The tuning of iTabla Pandit Studio Pro enables you to set up a tuning matching your instruments and your music. You can control the tuning with a reference scale selection and a base note.

Reference scale

We call reference scale the set of all notes, or shrutis for indian music, which can be selected to build up a musical scale to play rāgas or other musics.

Open Manage application options settings then Reference Scale to change it.

See 👆 Reference scales and rāgas for more details.

Base note and fine tuning

The base note is controlled by only two buttons:

The button

Base note button

opens the 👆 Base note selector, which enables you to:

  • select the base note of your musical scale in the reference scale of A440. For example here Sa = E.
  • select the octave of Shadja, depending on your instrument.
  • select a different value for A=440 Hz.

The second button


enables you to fine tune Shadja by using cents.

You may not need it for string instruments or voice, but for wind instruments, depending on the room temperature, it helps to adjust Sa to a comfortable pitch.

To learn more technical details about these tuning controls, you may consult our nice:

👆 Tuning graph

Fine tuning examples

  • Imagine your bansuri is low today, because it’s cold. Then you may move down the pitch about a few cents, up to the proper tuning.
  • Imagine that during the concert, the temperature increases, and the instruments pitch is going high. Then you may move up about a few cents here to tune your studio tanpura, tabla, … according to your instruments.
  • Imaging you want to play your studio’s tanpura sound along with a musical recording, you may need to fine tune the pitch to match the recording pitch.
    (You could also change the frequency of A 440 to obtain the same result, but it’s not as smart and simple as changing the pitch…😀).

Interesting help pages

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