The studio global configuration is accessible through the button settings

Reference Scale

You’re playing Hindustani music ? Carnatic music ? a music with a 12 tones system ? With this option, you select the perfect reference scale for your music.

Reference Scale

👆 Reference scales and rāgas


You can manage your yearly subscription to iTabla Pandit Studio Pro with this option.

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Options available in the studio

Prevent screen lock

Use this option to avoid your device to enter in sleep mode. iTabla Pandit Studio Pro works perfectly in sleep mode, however, in some circumstances, it’s needed avoid sleep mode:

  • If you want to read information displayed by the application
  • If you need to interact by keyboard with the application: control the audio player, control the shadow player, …

Note: you can use MIDI devices with the studio even if your device screen is locked.

Auto tune tanpura & shruti

Once autotune is enabled, when you select a rāga in the musical scale list, the first tanpura and the shruti box will be tuned automatically to the most appropriate tuning.

Audio file player

Activate this option to have a direct access to the Audio file player in the main studio page.

Shadow player

Activate this option to have a direct access to the Shadow player in the main studio page.

MIDI Harmonium

Activate this option to have a direct access to the MIDI Harmonium in the main studio page.

Tone player

Activate this option to have a direct access to the Tone player in the main studio page.

MIDI Settings

This button gives access to the MIDI configuration:

👆 The MIDI configuration

MIDI Settings

This button gives access to the MIDI configuration:

👆 The MIDI configuration

MIDI Controllers for instruments

Use the MIDI controllers provided by this option to control the musical instruments of the studio from your MIDI keyboard, MIDI footboard, …

👆 Studio parameters’ MIDI mapping

MIDI Mapping

This option enables you to define which shruti to play for every MIDI note of your MIDI keyboard, MIDI footboard, …

👆 The MIDI mapping

Manage my rāgas

This option enables you to add your own rāgas and flavours to the studio.

👆 Manage my rāgas

Welcome page

Opens the Welcome page which enables you to select the default base note and octave. When you reset the studio tuning, this tuning will be used by default.

Restart live help

You may use this option if you wish to view again the studio live help popup’s.

Advanced options available in the studio

Here are the advanced options of the studio. Most of you will not need to use them. The default values are suitable for most musicians.

Show shruti & tone frequencies

Displays the frequency of each note in the instruments:

  • Shruti Box
  • Tone player

Show fine tuning

This option activates for manual fine tuning of all notes in most of the instruments. It allows you to define a custom tuning, out of the steps of the selected reference scale.

Tanpura resonance

It is not needed to modify this option. The tanpura resonance must stay at least “Normal”. On computer or powerful mobile device, it can be “High”. Never use “None”.

If you disable resonance, you’ll save battery, but the tanpura may sound weird.

MIDI Parameters Mapping Reset

This action will delete all the current mapping between instruments’ parameters and MIDI notes, PC or controllers. After calling it, no MIDI button will be associated to any action in the studio.

Shadow player: Number of Analysis per second

Sets the number of frequency analysis per second for the Shadow player. You may use the highest value for obtaining the lowest latency, and to be able to catch short notes.