Create a tanpura sound sample

After tuning properly the instrument to record, record a piece of sound. Your sound sample should be at least a few seconds in length. You can use both MONO or STEREO audio samples. To prepare the sound sample for playing in a tanpura, remove the silence at the beginning and the end:

Sound sample shape

Beginning and ending should be very clean, without extra silence or noise. Normalize the sound to nearly 0 dB and then export it as an AIFF or a WAVE file, 24 bits if possible (recommended maximum duration is 16 seconds).

Create a shruti box sound sample

After tuning properly the instrument to record, record a piece of sound. Your sound sample should be at least a few seconds in length. You can use only MONO samples for the moment.

Sound sample shape

To prepare the sound sample for playing in the shruti box, select a part which is looping without cracking (difficult exercise). Do this in your DAW: Cubase, DigitalPerformer, …

Sound sample shape

Normalize and then export the selected part of the sound sample in an AIFF or WAVE file, 24 bits if possible (recommended maximum size is 16 Mb and 32 seconds).